Yeah, I have finally posted my first entries in my book blog. Yes, I AM writing a book and I am doing it in a very public way (that is, if anyone can actually find my have to know where to look!). I will let any of you lurking out there have the webaddress, which is (tadaaaaa....applause....):
The book is the first of a trilogy...this one is called (obviously) The Italian Wars. It is the story of Miranda Ducci and her family, starting about 1522 and going forward. They live in the Piedmont section of what is now Italy, but was then the Duchy of Savoy. Miranda is a fictional character but many of my characters will not be fictional, but actually real people who were either on the fringe or in the limelight of that period of time. The idea came to me when I read some short snippets about a girl named Filippa Ducci (our fictional Miranda's sister), who was the mother of an illigitimate child of the King of France. Anyway, stay's going to be good.