Okay, so I heard Bush say that he was going to work to gain the trust of every person who voted for his opponent. Did he notice that at virtually the SAME TIME, VP Dick Cheney was saying that now that they had a mandate, they were going to pursue their conservative agenda?
WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE? Do they think that we are this stupid...oh yeah, we are this stupid...more than half the country hasn't yet gotten the message that they are a bunch of liars. My definition of that is that they say one thing ("I am a uniter, not a divider") and then they go ahead and do the opposite (go ultra-partisan and totally ignore the other party).
Yes, you are right, I AM angry. I had a nice walk on this very sunny, but cold day. And all I could think about was how pissed off I was.
One of my republican friends actually asked me and another Dem friend, "Just what are you afraid is going to happen now?"
I said, "Are you KIDDING? The environment is going to continue to get screwed, we will continue to be in a war that is being run with total incompetence, the poor will continue to get poorer, people will continue to lose their jobs...must I go on?" She had no answer at all.
Yah, I am angry. And still sad.
Scary what I read that he said today--about no let-up on WARS in Iraq and anyplace else he thinks has terrorists or to spread democracy. He is a lunatic!
Posted by: Margaret | Friday, November 05, 2004 at 06:44 AM
Me three.
Posted by: Tonya | Thursday, November 04, 2004 at 06:20 PM
Me too.
Posted by: Margaret | Thursday, November 04, 2004 at 05:46 PM