Bonnie wrote the most clever poll for Valentine's Day. She can do that on Live Journal and she likes to procrastinate from doing other things by inventing polls. This was a good one.
Here is the poll and it's answers:
It's that time of year again: Valentine's Day. What are your thoughts on this holiday?
Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn 2 (12.5%)
I'm not bitter. I'm just...what's another word for "bitter"? 3 (18.8%)
I'm part of a smug couple and Valentine's Day is the perfect chance to revel in my smug coupledom 1 (6.2%)
Remember in grade school when we got cheap cards from every kid in class and candy? Yeah, those were the days. 6 (37.5%)
It's just an excuse for the greeting card industry to wrangle another couple dollars from the average consumer 1 (6.2%)
*giggles* I LOVE Valentine's Day! My date always gets me the CUTEST gifts! *hairflip* 0 (0.0%)
How do I detest thee? Let me count the ways... 0 (0.0%)
An excuse to watch romantic movies and eat chocolate? Count me in. 2 (12.5%)
Grrrrrrrrr 0 (0.0%)
One day set aside to make you feel even shittier than usual about being single? Wow, sadomasochism really must be an American tradition 1 (6.2%)
Then, she wrote this today:
Frankly, I am surprised at the lack of bitterness people have about Valentine's Day, at least as expressed in my little informal poll. And can the person who said they were reveling in their smug coupledom please identify themselves? You don't have to, but I am trying to think of who I know who is a smug couple. Of course, I can never tell if people who answer my polls do so truthfully, or just pick the most amusing answer. I have been known to go for the cleverest line in similar polls, regardless of my true sentiments.
Funny girl...
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