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Thursday, April 21, 2005


Barbara W. Klaser

I find the busiest days are often the least productive. It's the slow, long-focus ones that accomplish the most. One of those mysteries of life, I guess.


I ADORE the floral leaf around the cows neck on the Taurus header! I have Kite Runner in my line up to read soon - let me know how it is.


And you have been a busy bee, even if you don't hink you have accomplished much but you have! You were busy dreaming and thinking and analysing and reading and having ideas and so on. That is a whole lot of busyness for sure!


Hmmm, how fascinating, Diane. That sounds wonderful and not strange at all actually. I wonder what else this little voice is telling you...
How wonderful that you are so in touch with your inner self. :-)

I'm sending lots of **sparkles* to you for your dreams!!


Reading and nice weather are much more enticing than sitting in front of the computer!

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