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Thursday, June 16, 2005



I have been so bad about posting - I love the new banner for Gemini - parallel parking - Yikes!


Wow! I'd never heard of a place where you don't have to do parallel parking as part of your test! Mind you, somehow I've never gotten around to doing the test in either Australia or the Netherlands.


I failed my two tries at parallel parking on the WA driver's test. I don't get much practice so I am really lousy at it. (I got very good when I lived up at UW though!)


I'm sure hoping that she passes this test or she will be stuck in little Hamilton, NY with no way out!!!


I can still remember taking my first driving test where they made you parallel park. I was about 10 feet away from the curb! But the guy passed me anyway, because I had done everything else right. But if it is any comfort, I'm a crackshot at parallel parking now and I have a mini van!

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