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Sunday, January 22, 2006


Majeak Ann

Ooh, I like this kitty. Is a black cat(*~*)..lovely design and nice grass background.
-Marjorie Ann


So pretty! I love those big eyes!


So sad to hear of Minet's end, but he sounds wonderful. Beautiful illustration!


What a precious illustration!! Cute!


That's amazing -- a cat who is lactose intolerant! Who would think that would be possible! (And how sad!) I suppose keeping them away from dairy products would be like keeping them away from birds or mice -- they're just hard-wired to crave such things.

My first cat (as an adult on my own) was black and white and fluffy, and I still miss her. She was actually a "he", but oh well. SHE was a very sweet kitty.


Love that picture. My current kitty is the second kitty I've had but the first I've loved. They are so fascinating, aren't they?


Sweet illustration!
I lived on a farm for a bit and yes people dropped off cats all the time.


What a lovely little black cat, very stylish.


Beautifully designed.


So sad that petit Minet didn't recognize the source of his gastric distresses. I thought cat's knew better... although anything that would eat crickets has got to make one wonder!
If you want to read a scary book about feral cats, read FERAL by B. Roueche. I remember it from many years ago: http://www(DOT)amazon(DOT)com/gp/product/038065508X/qid=1138006378/sr=1-11/ref=sr_1_11/002-2572634-4904829?s=books&v=glance&n=283155


Oh, your kitty illo and story are both so sweet! What a sweetheart your little Minet was to let you bathe him every week! We struggle to bathe ours during flea season - well, struggle is an understatement!
It appalls me how people can just drop off animals...it happens frequently at our day program because we're right next to the community garden - I guess people think they'll find food to eat/mice to catch there.

Barbara W. Klaser

That's darling, and reminds me of my late cat Merlin, aka Merly Perly, or Puddin' Face.


I feel bad for pauvre Minet! Our cat Kendra is such a character; we are all very close to her prickly self.



An orange

Beautiful, I love this. Saved it to remember later :)


Like the cat in your illo...Nice!


Poor Minet. :( I love your drawing. I grew up on a farm also, though not a dairy farm. People used to dump cats in the countryside. I don't know if they thought the cats would "make do" out there or if they just wanted to make sure it was so far from home the cats never came back.

But we always had tons of cats; we fed them, tried to catch and spay/neuter, tried to tame them down and get them to the vet when they were sick. At times it was insane. I remember having 40+ cats that ate at the house and I could identify on sight, at one time. I remember calling "kitty, kitty" and getting 10+ cats in under 10 seconds. (And once, a skunk family. THEY had figured out that "kitty, kitty" meant extra treat food was being put out. I beat tracks back inside real quick that time....)


sweet story and illustration.'love her eyes




Very cool.


Nice illustration!!! Oh, Minet sounded like an awesome soulmate!


oh, poor minet. :-(

my emma gets sick on milk too, so we keep it away from her. tuna, though...she's definitely not allergic to that! :-)

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