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Friday, January 20, 2006



Hello old friend!
Is this a plant that flowers most during a dry spell? African violets are like that, too. They need some time away from smothering love in order to bloom.
Metaphor, much? :D

Kim C

The perfect pink!


Hiya, I would love to have a tiny bouquet of those bracts, they are lovely. Look like flowers to me!
You popped by my blog and mentioned the speculaas. You were right, they weren't American. the picture was taken in Paris!
Also, just a note, the link you have to this site on your blogger page is not working. I retyped it into my browser with www and then it worked.
Have a great Sunday.


Oh, what a lovely flower! Pink is my favourit colour, and I enjoy your info on it too!


nice pic! I STILL can't find anything to post for 'Pink' but then it IS 43 degrees celcius and even breathing is becoming a chore.


Great photo, and I loved the commentary too.


I agree, they DO look like Mary Englebreit flowers (which I love)...maybe they were her inspiration?

Barbara W. Klaser

They make me think of Mary Englebreit's "fried egg" flowers.


very cool plant! i would love to have one, as plants tend to falter under my care, too, but pink (one of my favorite colors...don't get me wrong...^-^) doesn't quite fit my yellow and blue decor... darn....


How "pretty in pink" & I love a houseplant that thrives no matter what!

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