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Friday, January 27, 2006



Happy Birthday to Ross ( a side note: my brother's name is Ross - love it). You are indeed a super duper mom and as a mom with a 3 year-old boy, I appreciate your insights when I'm worried or ready to wring his neck!!


Too funny! Signs up for the draft and atill wants a ice cream cake for bday! I love boys!


Congratulations on your son's 18th birthday. I admire you having raised 3 children. You are getting older gracefully.

Barbara W. Klaser

Happy Birthday to Ross, and I forgot to say before, that's great that Bonnie knows where she's headed.


Happy Birthday to Ross! And you look FABULOUS for having three adult children! :)


Ahhh! You are truly blessed to have your wonderful kids -- but I tend to believe you have had a LOT to do with that outcome. Happy birthday to Ross. (My lord, I'll have a 20-year-old soon! I remember being pregnant with him when Challenger exploded).


Happy birthday to your baby! Mine will be 16 this Wednesday, Feb. 2nd. It is a strange feeling to be the mom of young adults.


How funny! I just finished posting about Bonnie's (20th) birthday being today - I know how you feel, I can't believe I'm not the mother of a teenager anymore!
Hope Ross has a happy 18th birthday!

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