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Saturday, May 19, 2007


Barbara W. Klaser

On reflection, though they'd all be arrested here, I suppose there was no harm done except alarming others and not being so easy on the eyes.

Public drunkenness is rarely pretty, even fully clothed.

Still, it's like a complete rounding out of her European experience.


okay. I so enjoyed "overhearing" this conversation but .. I'm realizing I am missing out way too much in this life of mine. I need to get out more. Just so I can write about this craziness. :O)


What an experience! What also made me chuckle was the "Build Me Up Buttercup" thing. That was my VERY FIRST 45 record! (Followed soon after with "Dizzy" by Tommy Roe). Tee hee!


That would definitely be too much information since MOST people look way better with clothes on. (in my opinion) Still, it makes for hilarious blog fodder!

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