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Thursday, September 06, 2007



Yikes! As a mom, I can imagine how disconcerting it must have been to be waiting on the other end of the line. Since I didn't see any other posts about it, I'm assuming all turned out well - except for the onions, lol - in the end.

Barbara W. Klaser

Possibly the worst time for any parent to hear, "Call you back . . ."

But it gave me a laugh. Presumably she called back, and there were no casualties besides the onions?


whoa, glad she used her head....sounds like she's definitely her mother's daughter....^-^

if it had of been me, though, i might have let the fire truck come....when my sister's smoke alarm went off one day for no reason while i was visiting, the firemen came to check out the system just in case....um, were they yummy or what! ^-^


Oh my goodness! Disconcerting indeed! Good thing she knew about flour. If I'm on the telephone I can hardly manage to pay attention to anything else (even though Sydney believes I can pay attention to a multitude of things).

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