My office is a huge mess, and though I should be cleaning and organizing, I am busy looking at resorts in Fiji. John and I are having our 25th wedding anniversary and want to go on a second honeymoon to Fiji. We went to Tahiti on our first one, and this sounds just a bit different. Huzzah for wasting time dreaming!
My brother, Brian, is turning 40 today and had a very nice party last night to celebrate. He got some gag gifts (funny fuzzy fake hair to cover his baldspots and weird OSU santa hats and such) and he was a wonderful sport about it. I would not have been. I just hate that kind of thing, so I tend to insist on going somewhere far away where no one knows me or knows it is my birthday...hence spending 40 in Charleston, and 50 in Scotland. When I am 60, I might have to travel to the moon to get further away.
Fiji would be great, but I would love to visit Tahiti, since it's French speaking. Right now, anyplace warm would be nice.
Posted by: Margaret | Sunday, January 20, 2008 at 09:32 PM
My parents went to Fiji years ago...and loved it.
Posted by: Marilyn | Sunday, January 20, 2008 at 09:21 AM
Ooh, Fiji sounds wonderful! Especially right now in the midst of this COLD weather. Can you believe how cold it's supposed to be next week? Brrr!
Posted by: Stephanie | Saturday, January 19, 2008 at 01:53 PM