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Sunday, March 09, 2008



Where have I been??...I've never even heard of this film! :) (LOVE Frances McDormand.)


I am so looking forward to seeing this movie! I am trying to organize my sisters to go together, but they are all tied up with soccier, scouts, etc. I may just have to go by myself!


I hadn't heard of this one yet, it sound delightful. I love the character he plays in Pushing Daisies - now I'm up to three TV shows a week this year, since I discovered that one - when I had been going almost without any TV - sigh. At least when that long writer's strike was going on, I didn't have to feel bad about it though...
Thanks for the movie recommendation.


Oh, I'm so glad you recommend this movie! I love Frances McDormand and I thought this movie looked interesting. I never seem to get to the movie theater these days but perhaps I'll rent it when it becomes available.


Oh, Fargo. LOVED that movie. LOVED Frances McDormand in that movie: pregnant sheriff as the hero? Awesome.

This movie looks like one I'd totally enjoy. Thanks for the recommendation!


Thanks for the rec! I, too, am a HUGE FM fan-- loved her in Laurel Canyon, but wasn't sure from the trailers if I would like this movie or not-- I will definitely go see it this week-- cheers!!


This sounds much more like my kind of movie. We're reading Persuasion for Book Club this month.

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