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Saturday, October 25, 2008



I love fall - and the photos. I just wish it felt a little more like fall here. Still hot!


This has been such an incredible fall. Often it's gray and rainy and windy and the leaves tend to disappear off the trees before you get a chance to appreciate them. But this year is spectacular and I've really enjoyed this season. Your pictures are gorgeous.


oh mannnnn....Oregon totally rocks. I miss it so!! Since your boy won't be there for picking that pumpkin this year, you'll just have to 'double-up' on those big 'squashes' next year! ;o)


wow! beautiful and the colors are really great.


wow! beautiful and the colors are really great.

Barbara W. Klaser

Oh so do I, I love real fall, and I wish we had it here. :) Gorgeous photos! You've given me a glimpse of my favorite seasonal color. (It's still HOT here.)


I didn't like fall at all when I was younger, but now that I'm in my "fall" years, I enjoy it much more. I savor the beauty of the leaves, the crisp air, and the smells.

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