My car is in the shop (leaky window washer fluid reservoir/the 'time for service' message came up on my dashboard display/I had a 'headlamp failure'), so I had to rent a car till the Saab dealership could get my car back to me. There is an Enterprise-Rent-a-Car rep right there in the Saab/Cadillac dealership for just such a thing.
The problem?
They only rent out Caddy's there. Why not rent out Saabs, too?
So, I am driving a boat of a car that is obnoxious in every way. It embarasses me.
I have been driving it for two days now, and will have to drive to Corvallis to pick Ross up in it, too. My car SHOULD be ready by late tomorrow.
Please give me my cute little red car back. Please?
Pics of the cute red car, please! Anyway, just like what Stephanie said, Caddilacs remind me of my granddaddy. I kinda considered it as a muscle car 'cause of the shows I've been seeing with cars that have hydraulics.
Posted by: Simon Schempp | Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at 07:51 AM
Cadillacs remind me of my grandparents, who owned a few before they finally made the switch to driving Caravans (an odd switch, yes).
Hope your sweet little car is back with you by now!
Posted by: Stephanie | Sunday, January 25, 2009 at 10:43 PM
My dad was fond of used caddies, so I learned to drive in one, and back then, in the late 60s to early 70s when his were made, they were indeed boats -- barges. But now that I've driven something much smaller for a long time, I'd feel very strange in a larger car. Besides, your own car is always the most comfortable and familiar to drive, a reliable friend.
Posted by: Barbara | Sunday, January 25, 2009 at 05:12 PM
I drove a co-worker's cadillac about 15 years ago. She sort of had a Cruella Deville look about her when she drove the thing herself-:) Anyway, the one thing I remember is how it felt when you stepped on the gas. You literally launched the thing, like it was a boat! Good luck and be careful!
Posted by: Arlene | Saturday, January 24, 2009 at 08:20 AM
I very much dislike Cadillacs and would hate to have to drive (OR PARK) one. Ugh. They probably only rent out Caddys because no one is buying them these days, so they can get a good deal for a fleet of rental cars. Why are you picking up Ross?
Posted by: Margaret | Friday, January 23, 2009 at 04:35 PM