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Thursday, February 19, 2009



Yikes! I currently have a grease-spatter burn on the back of my right hand as we speak! I really do have to be extra careful in the kitchen because I readily admit that I DON'T multi-task all that well.


i like the new banner, too!

i am not good with knives and frying pans, too


I have bad luck picking up hot pans too; I always forget that they don't cool off instantly.


I just hate when the kitchen attacks! Hope your hand feels better soon!


the only other person that lives here is my sweet hubby, and he has his own job!


I think the solution is to make other people cook from now on. Just put your feet up and relax =)

Okay, at least it's a nice fantasy, no? I hope your hand feels better soon!


Be SAFE you goose! and OH how I am loving your new banner!! (new to me, anyway)

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