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Wednesday, March 04, 2009



Wow, she's been gone THAT LONG? Time really does fly. (It probably hasn't so much for you, though!) How is she liking it over there? I would love to see Japan some day. My son is 1/4 Japanese and has such a love for the country through his Japanese grandmother (he's never been there). Have a wonderful trip!


Very exciting!! I am nervous for my trip because I'm traveling alone and would much rather have someone else with me. I won't have a computer, so I'll be at the mercy of the cyber cafes. Have a great time and bon voyage!!

Sarah @ BecomingSarah.com

Ooh, enjoy Japan and seeing your daughter again! What a cool trip!


six months? Close to eight.


What a happy reunion it will be with Bonnie! Have a great trip, and looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back.

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