I am constantly amazed by how much 'stuff' we have lying around...like the already-ancient-when-he-bought-them golf clubs that John got for Adam about 12 years ago, like the 6 athletic seat pads we never use, like the leftover yarn from my old store (Spindleshanks Yarnworks)...well, you get it. I am busy sorting the stuff to give to Goodwill and whoever else wants it. We have been living in this house for 26 years, we have 3 kids who use our house as a storage facility, and we can be packrats. The results are too-full closets.
I am also trying to get myself more organized. I have things that should be grouped together all over the house. This sorting process will take some time but I hope it makes my life less chaotic, eventually. This is part of my plan to simplify my life. Will it work, do you think?
It will work, if you keep at it! We have accumulated too much of our kids' stuff too. It's tricky. You want them to feel welcome, just not all their boxes and other junk. :)
Posted by: Margaret | Thursday, January 20, 2011 at 08:00 PM